Monday, August 25, 2008

Support the Campaign for Amendment in Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973

Dear Citizens,

1. Let us SAY NO TO THE STATE RELIGION OF PAKISTAN. But, how to say such a No? The best, effective and meaningful way to say such a NO would be to introduce an amendment in the Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973. It would be in the fitness of things to reproduce herein below the contents of the Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 for the sake of convenience and ready reference:

“2. Islam to be State religion. Islam shall be the State religion of Pakistan.”

2. On considering the point as mentioned herein below paragraph - 3, the said Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 should be amended as under:

“2. No religion of State. Religion shall have nothing to do with the business of State; and that the Parliament shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

3. Point for consideration of amendment as proposed herein above Paragraph - 2 is as under:

Should the State have Religion? No. The reason is simple. You will agree that human beings have religion and that animal, bird, fish, and institutions including State and tools and etc., have no religion. Thus you will agree that Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973, as reproduced herein above Paragraph – 1 wherein it is stated that “Islam shall be the State religion of Pakistan” is unwise; and as such it is in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

4. The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 is not free from the poison of religious bigotry, extremism and fanaticism; and that it is rooted in the Article 2. The point of concern is that till today, no Member of the National Assembly belonging to any political party, have deemed it fit and proper to even point out such a poison. It can be said with sure, if we succeed to amend that Article - 2 as proposed herein above paragraph – 2 we would purge that poison out of the Constitution, which would help us to further flush it out of our society.

5. I hope you would consider my proposal with due care and attention and would agree with it; and that you would help me by all your means by exercising your influence upon Members of National Assembly so that the amendment as proposed herein above paragraph – 2 may be made in the manner as prescribed in the Constitution.




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Jibran said...

I agree with GM LAKHO sahab and support this type of campaigns.

Manager Technical Support
TRS pvt ltd.

Unknown said...

i such campaign of MR lakho is realy admirable,so I like and fully support it.

Unknown said...

I am full supporter of not having state involvement with the affairs of Religion. State should act as an independent and neutral body, totally unbiased towards the religion. State should protect and bless rights to every citizen to practice its religion with full ease and security.

~Nayyar Afaq & Sahar Andaaz

Anonymous said...

Lakho Sahib, I agree with you that the State should have no Religion. Yes, I agree with you that now is the time to SAY NO TO THE STATE RELIGION OF PAKISTAN. Yes, I also agree with you that the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 is not free from the poison of religious bigotry, extremism and fanaticism; and that it is rooted in the Article 2. Thus, I agree with you that let there be an amendment in the said Article 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 as you have proposed, i.e., as under:
“2. No religion of State. Religion shall have nothing to do with the business of State; and that the Parliament shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Munir Ahmad Chandio
Advocate High Court of Sindh,

Anonymous said...

Sir, you are doing good job. I do like you, Sir. The State Religion of Pakistan is the Enemy # 1 of Human Rights, Sir.

Anonymous said...

Muhammad Mir (Worker)

Anonymous said...

Ahmad Nazar (worker)

Anonymous said...

Muhammad Sharif (worker)

Anonymous said...

I support you.
Aman Malik

Anonymous said...

I support you.
Mukhtar Ahmad Malik

Anonymous said...

I support you.
Shabirullah Khan

Anonymous said...

I support you.
Riaz Ahmad

Anonymous said...

I support you.
Faiz Ahmad

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Lakho, the State should have no religion. I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Hyder Zaman Khan

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Lakho, the State should have no religion. I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Shaukat A. Hyder

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Lakho, the State should have no religion. I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Hussain Ali Zaidi

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Lakho, the State should have no religion. I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Ghulam Rasool Qureshi

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mr. Lakho, the State should have no religion. I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Ali Hyder Qazilbash

Anonymous said...

Dear Lakha Sb,

I congratulate you on this bold and daring initiative, I share your ideological thought that 'state should NOT have a religion'. However, my point of view regarding this ammendment is that the proposed article should be deleted from the constitution. I think the article is irrelavant from modern days' state laws and it should be redundant/ abolished.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the fact that the state has religion has nothing to do with the state affairs, though, i would say ammending the article wouldnt serve the purpose the article should not be there at the first place.

Anonymous said...

Not only do I as an individual but our party the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party whole heartedly supports the campaign to separate religion from politics.

In solidarity
Taimur Rahman

Anonymous said...

Dear Lakho
It is realy a big task to do. i agree with you that religion if sponsored by state does carry a potential to exploit fundamental human rights of its citizens.

Anonymous said...

Omar Ali

Anonymous said...

agreed but i would request that we make similar efforts in helping repeal the blasphemy law and hudood articles in their entirety.
Bakhtiar Ishtiaq

Anonymous said...

bakhtiar ishtiaq

dilnawaz said...

The Full Article can be downloaded from this website

Natasha Mustafa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Highly respected Lakho sahib,
I agree with you sir. I was in the dark and you have just now given me a light. The truth is that till now it was not in my mind that the home of religious fanaticism is our constitution. As I am not lawyer or student of law so I have not read the constitution. Even now while writing these lines I have only read the article 2 of it on this website. As I do the job of garment worker so my cruel conditions do not allow me to know the real roots of my bondage. Even though I find some time to know about the rights of my gender. No human or women rights activist told me that our constitution is male dominated so there is a need to change it. No political activist of any group with leftist label told me about the state religion of Pakistan. They do not know anything about the state religion of Pakistan. This is the first time that I have come to know that there is difference between state religion and personal religion. Now I have found the reason of religious hatred in this society. It is because the State has religion. Now I found that the State is not neutral in religious matters. Your reason is simple. It is so simple that even I can understand it. I can see with my own eyes that only humans have religion. As the State is not human so only mad man can say that it should have religion. Why do not our educated lady members of the national assembly speak against the state religion? I can not understand the reason. I have talked to my female friends about this website and all the five agree with me but they are not giving their views here because all are afraid of the religious fanatics. All of them say about you that you have put your life in danger. But you are on the right path. We all are with you. I have hope that one day all my friends will give their views on this website.
With best wishes,
Taahira Hasan

Home of Gul Katohar said...

Yes I do agree with you My Teacher Saen G M Lakho Sb, as Pakistan was created on those patterns and resolution of 1940 is clearly mentioning that this country is Unity of Five Units and the address of Quid e Azam Mohd Ali Jinnah in 1947 first Assembly of the country clearaly indicating that there should not be relligious state, but every one be free to pray according to their beliefs and NO TO THE STATE RELIGION is propose at any level. the persons like Jamit Islami and others are crying for that were against the Pakistanz independent.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan Peace & Solidarity Council (PPSC)support the campaign for amendment in article 2 of the 1973 constitution of Pakistan.
President PSC Pakistan
Secretary PSC Pakistan

Anonymous said...

Communist Party of Pakistan (CPPAK) Support the campaign for amendment in Article 2 of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.
Members Central Committee CPPAK
Comrade Chacha Moula Bukh
Comrade Imdad Qazi
Comrade Dr. Shafiq Ahmed
Comrade Dr. Mazhar Haider
Comrade Mansoor Saeed
Comrade Rana Shaukat
ComradeRana Mohammad Yousuf Khan

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly support your initiative and wish you a good luck in your efforts. Comradely greetings from Europe!

Anonymous said...

State's responsibility is to provide
justice to all of its citizens.
Justice can not be rendered if a
State adopts a religion.
Article 2 is an ugly joke hurled at us.

Rehmat-ullah RAHi

Anonymous said...

Please receive my greetings from Norway in your heroic struggle against State Religion, the reactionary, fundamentalist and pro-imperialist forces in Pakistan and their imperialist allies and for the rights of the Pakistani working-class and people!

Also in Norway we had until recently the Christian Lutherian religon as state religion.

Any struggle that goes against religion in politics, and for the seperation of state and religion, is a fight for widened democracy and thus a fight for socialism.

I, and I am convinced to say that also my party the Communist Party of Norway, wholeheartedly support your struggle under difficult conditions in the midst of imperialist plots and jihadi-fundamentalism for the amendment to the Pakistani constitution.

Together we say No to State Religion!

We say Yes to democracy and power of people!

We raise the banner of internationalism and solidarity against fascism, nationalism and religious extremism!

Anonymous said...

I endorse this campaign,and committ my whole hearted support for a secular,forwardlooking and democratic Pakistan.This should lead us to an era of social justice to all segments of our society.

Sharafat Ali


Anonymous said...

I support the campaign completely. NO RELIGION OF STATE!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party, i fully support this progressive step.

Down With Religious Fundamentalism!
Down with Imperialism and Neo-colonialism!

Ahmed Khan

Unknown said...

I think religion must be separate from State. I fully support this campaign. Advocate GM Lakho is doing good work.

Munawar Laghari

abdul aziz joyo said...


Ejaz Ahsan said...

I agree and fully support this campaign.

Ejaz Ahsan
Program Coordinator, HRCPS Sindh

Anonymous said...

Yes,I`m totally agree with this compaign,state shouldn`t have any religion otherwise it will be notorised as Pakistani government in the world as a terrorist and exterimist state.
nadeem Sibtain

Anonymous said...

Yes I`m agreed with this compaign.
Nadeem Sibtain

Anonymous said...

yes sir , mr. lakho sb. i fully agree with u, that should have no religon at all... dr aftab lashari

Anonymous said...

The Constitution should be amended to separate religion from the state.
The basic document must guarantee the rights of all citizens without cast, colour and creed.

David said...

I wish you well with your campaign.

Although we in the United States have such language in our own Constitution, that hasn't prevented religious forces from trying to convince the public that the founders of our Republic intended the country to be Christian. These religious propagandists have tried to rewrite history and have convinced far too many Americans.

So clearly, pushing such an amendment through is only the first step. If you succeed, you will have to be eternally vigilant against the forces of religious darkness, who are always trying, in every country and every age, to reassert their control.

Anonymous said...

I agree and support this campaign. Ghulam Asghar Mirbahar
Advocate Cell No.0333-2638093

Anonymous said...

A very good initiative, its my firm belive that freedom of choosing religon or to choose to not have a religon should be every humans right, and separtion between state and church (As we say in Sweden) is an important part of that.

Erik Isacson

Anonymous said...

I agree too. A couple of notes.

A) About the reasoning: a state should have no ideology, religion is just one of them.

B) I don't believe that a change in constitution suffice to change the nature of the religious Pakistani government. However, the process in which this will go through, if at all, is a social battle against religion involvement in government. It will generate discussions/debates that raises the awareness, it will suggest that the related laws need to be modified/wiped out, suggests new laws to ensure the neutrality of government w/ regards to beliefs, etc, etc.

In short, it requires a civilized social battle! Sure, the battle could start as an opposition to the constitution.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Good luck.

Adam said...

I fully support your proposed amendment. I believe that state religion as a concept is obsolete and destructive. The function of government is the protection of citizens and the management of public goods, not the imposition of any belief system. The fusion of state and religion leads inevitably to the suppression of dissent and the destruction of democracy. This in turn retards social progress, scientific research, and technological innovation. We have recently seen exactly these consequences in the deliberate erosion of the state-religion barrier by the Bush administration--no friend to the people of Pakistan. Which religion is established makes no difference. The results are going to be the same.

One point: I don't understand the argument about humans having religion versus animals and objects (being likened to the state). I don't think it strengthens your case. The state is a human organization, like (for example) a religious sect.

Anonymous said...

Dear G.M Lakho Sahib,
Thank you for sending link of ur blogpost. I am leaving my airy comments on the subjects.

It is a brilliant proposal to resolve the present grave existing problems of the State and combat terrorism/extremism, this theme is more boosted by Great (fetish) General Zia ul (Na) Haq then Dark Dictator of the world of more worst the Hitler and Mussolini.

To making Pakistan as religious state is a conspiracy of 2nd in command rulers of Pakistan after the Founder of Pakistan Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jina, by devising his real theme and concept of Pakistan, which is not hidden from any one. 1- his first speech in constitution Assembly and Resolution of Pakistan 1940, which is shamelessly obvious at / in so-called heart of Pakistan,s LAHOR- MINAR-E-PAKISTAN, NO ONE FEEL SHAME AND CONSCINCE BY READING IT.( The rulers, head of pol; parties and Khans of civil society. Backers of Qaid passed resolution of Purposes ( Kardad e Maqasad) and they successful for resolving their purposes on which basis The Constitution of Pakistan is constituted.

There is lot many books are written but all vain, may things go to this proverb 'Every rise has it's fall' More Ibn-e-Khaldoon, the father of History has also mentioned the Age of State which comes to 120 years in 2 stages.
Mir M. Panhwar>

سنڌ ويب said...

My Dear Lakho Sb.
Indeed you have raised a good point and this point must came under discussion. rapidly Changing values of our peaceful society is an alarming situation indeed.
I am in full support of you.. Campaign is timely act.
Habib Sajid
0333 7121209

Unknown said...

I m fully supporting this compaign, It is necessary for the Integration of Pakistan.

Anonymous said...

States should be free of all sorts of biases or instruments of descrimination what so ever; An state can have only one justification of its existance i.e Collective Good of its Citizens. Relegions have proved to be very vulnerable in past and even in the recent times. I strongly support the campaign SAY NO TO THE STATE RELEGION.

adhiraj bose said...

I appreciate your efforts and secularizing the Pakistani constitution with the proposed amendment. however, the ongoing phenomenon in Pakistan must not be looked in isolation. The rise of religious fanaticism is precipitated by several factors social, political and economic. In order to remove this curse from Pakistani society one will have to strike at the roots of the problems. One way to do this is
with the help of legislation. To that extent I agree with the approach. However, one must not forget the failures of the Indian establishment in curbing fanaticism and criminal phenomenon in the political life of the people. Laws which aren't observed and enforced by the government end up as a dead letter no matter how good they may be. This does not mean however, that the ongoing effort should cease. The proposal given is indeed a step in the right direction. A neutral state i.e one without a commitment to any particular ideology or restricted by a rigid outlook is best suited to guarantee to its citizens equal justice and equal rights.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for actively pursuing this important task.

Dr. Naqvi said...

Religion has no place in government other than as an inspiration only (unless you are an ordained Prophet who can speak with Allah on a regular basis...and that is no longer possible). I support Mr Lakho as this is the only way all citizens can aspire to be treated equally before the government and respected and granted their fundamental human rights equally.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lakho, I am honored to have as a friend such a person as yourself, and I agree entirely with your demand that Pakistan needs no state religion and that such provisions as Article 2 of the Constitution have no place in the Constitution of any modern state. It is such backward articles as this that lead to the kind of "peace" that we see in Swat where the Taliban can now put Islamic Law into effect with impunity.

Anonymous said...

I fully support this campaign.

Joanne Payton
International Campaign Against Honour Killings
Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation

Anonymous said...

I really support your efforts regarding this issue. I hope for a better result may appear in future.

Shankar lal
Network Engineer
Sapphire Consulting Services karachi

Anonymous said...

State should act as an independent and neutral body, totally unbiased towards the religion.

Ralph Dumain said...

I absolutely agree with this proposition. Persecution of religious minorities and dissenters can no longer be tolerated in a civilized society.

Jamali said...

I agree with GM Lakho support him for such a brilliant idea, and i loved the comments here, and wud like to say "You're A Great Example For Others!"

AJ Jamali

Jamali said...

Dear GM Lakho You've Earned My Respect! i really appreciate such a brilliant idea, and i agree ad Support You. 2 Thumbs Up for You :)

J. Jamali

Anonymous said...

this is the only way out for our comming generations to give them live in this civilzed world with honour and degnity and respect among the nations , by saying NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to state religion in pakistan .
we have seen enough , humilliations , miseries , abuses , murders of innocents and political opponents on the name of religion .
down with jumat isalami (jumate shaitani ) politics and fanatic in pakistan . NNOOOOOOOOOOOOO NNONNNNNNNNNNN oooooooooooooooooooooo to every menifestion of religion in any form in pk and every where . let it be the buisness of every idiot and it must not be imposed on any one any way . MOOTAZZELLA from Dir Pk.

Anonymous said...

That's a great campaign. I think the lawyers movement should next focus on this issue. The media should highlight the importance of separation of Church and State. Pakistan was never meant to be a religious country !

Anonymous said...

no.religion should not in anyway be discrimintive or divisive.



Styvyn Larson said...

The world cannot survive unless we achieve separation of church and state GLOBALLY! Congratulations on your efforts for this issue.

Julian Baggini said...

I support any campaign to separate religion and the state. I do, however, wish to point out that it is for the people of Pakistan to decide this particular case. I merely wish to express my support for those who are campaigning there.

Babu Gogineni said...

Please add my name and that of the International Humanist and Ethical Union to such a statement and campaign. We were involved in fighting the evil effects of blasphemy law in the Dr. Younis Shaikh case, but, of course, the root of all evil is in this article.

Babu Gogineni
International Director
International Humanist and Ethical Union

TheDisloyalOpposer said...

I hope GM Lakho and those who agree with him are successful in keeping Pakistan secular.

Russell Blackford said...

I support any campaign for the separation of religious dogma from state power. The state should neither suppress any particular religious views nor impose any particular religious views. In this case, the struggle for freedom of religion will need to be fought by the people of Pakistan, but I wish the campaign every success.

Russell Blackford, Australia

Andy Blunden said...

I wish you success in your campaign to maintain the separation of church and state in Pakistan. Back in the days of Henry VIII, before Shakespeare was born, they learnt in England the terrible price of mixing religion up with the state, and prospered only when they decided that the Queen or King's religion was nothing to do with their role as head of state. This insight was gained only as a result of much blood and suffering. Others have the benefit of past experience.

Best of luck to you.

Ophelia Benson said...

I support this campaign and wish it the best of luck.

Vijay Kishore said...

Hey, Mr. Lakho. Wonderful initiative. I am from India and I think it's going to be a tough task but somebody had to start. I fully support this initiative as it would go a long way in establishing a peaceful South Asia.

MAP said...

This is a very important proposal. Every one has a right to believe or not in a religion, it is a personal matter, but state--which should protect freedom of religion and consciousness-should be separate from religion.
Lic. Manuel Paz y Mino
from Peruvian Rationalist Humanists:

Marvi Sirmed said...

I strongly agree and salute you for initiating this campaign. With you!


Leo Lincourt said...

My best wishes in your campaign for a secular Pakistan. Dogmatic belief enshrined in the state can only serve to retard progress and cripple individual liberty.

Marilyn Mann said...

I agree with the separation of church and state and wish you the best of luck in your campaign.

Marilyn Mann

Mriana said...

Just as I do not wish for Evangelicals to create a theocracy here in the U.S. I support you in fighting State Religion in your country. I truly feel that having a religiously ran government would be the demise of human civilization. I wish you the best of luck in fighting this.

Rich said...

Your have my support

Rev. Bob said...

I support this.

Bob Crispen

Rach said...

I entirely agree with and support this campaign.

Alan said...

I support this campaign on behalf of the Sydney Atheists

And the Critical Mass Blog

John C. Snider said...

Although I'm not a Pakistani citizen, as a fellow human being, I fully support this idea.

John C. Snider

Myself said...

I agree and say NO to any state that attempts to impose a standardized religion on any of its citizens. You are a good man with a good cause.

Jade said...

It is an honor to comment on such a noble cause.... Government + Religion = failure. You have my full support.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this campaign and support it.
Nasrullah Jamali

Anonymous said...

We will only know true harmony when freedom of conscience is manifest in all the places of this world; therefore, I heartily applaud and support your efforts in Pakistan. May victory be on your side.

Very best wishes,

Darwin Penda
Seattle, WA

Anonymous said...

We will only know true harmony when freedom of conscience is manifest in all the places of this world; therefore, I heartily applaud and support your efforts in Pakistan. May victory be on your side.

Very best wishes,

Darwin Penda
Seattle, WA

Anonymous said...

You are admirable for taking the type of stand you are taking in the environment in which you live. All states should have separation between government and religion, so there is freedom for both.

Anonymous said...

You are admirable for taking the type of stand you are taking in the environment in which you live. All states should have separation between government and religion, so there is freedom for both.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your petition. The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 is not free from the poison of religious bigotry, extremism and fanaticism; and that it is rooted in the Article 2.

Emma Allan said...

The Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 is not free from the poison of religious bigotry, extremism and fanaticism; and that it is rooted in the Article 2. I agree with this petition.

Sarah Trachtenberg said...

We must support freedom of church and state (mosque and state, in this case). It is the only way to preserve and further freedom, democracy and what is best for society.
Is this something USAdians can petition for?

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Hugh Kramer said...

That the tenets of a religion should never be enforced by the power of the state must be recognized as an essential condition for the freedom of conscience of all citizens.

Anonymous said...

The history of government and religion has always been bad when one interferes with the other. I support the noble efforts of advocate G.M. Lakho.

Anonymous said...

The history of governments and religions have always been bad when one interferes with the other. People need to be secure in their private and public lives.
I support the good work of advocate G.M. Lakho in amending Article 2.

Asad Ahsan said...

I commend the determination and courage of the people who are working to liberate Pakistan from the claws of obscurantism. I support their fight and will do my bit as and when required to fight for a secular pakistan where all citizens enjoy equal rights and where liberty prevails

Anonymous said...

An interesting and important response to the elaboration of tyranny as prescribed by idolatry and the establishment of cynical doctrines under the guise of religion, which, of course, can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.

Raj said...

I fully support Mr. Gulam Mustafa Lakho and all our brothers and sisters from Pakistan in your efforts towards secularization. The scourge of religion must be contained to the private lives of it's believers and must not have any place in political affairs.

This noble cause, along with such actions around the world, are the key to a wonderful future for all humanity. Please visit to read about our activism against religion and superstition in India. Together we can prevail against the forces of unreason!

Ajita Kamal
ajitakamal (at)

Anonymous said...

I am 100% on this. Religion should be kept out of politics. The constitution should be completely secular.

Mukti said...

Dear Mr. Golam Mustafa,

Thanks a lot for creating consciousness among the people of this subcontinent.Secularism was one of the main cause worked as the motivating force behind the separation from Pakistan . Unfortunately today Bangladesh has state religion and for right groups this religion is working as their merchandise. I know situation is more critical in Pakistan. But enlightened people are there to burn all the shackles . ALL the best and we are 100% with you.


Mukti Brata Das

Anonymous said...

No state can be ruled by biased religious laws. There should be common state laws, secular in nature.

Mr Lakho's demand for a separation of religion and legislation is truly commendable, and I support it.

Unknown said...

Although I am not a citizen of Pakistan, I support the campaign for the amendment wholeheartedly.

Jussi K. Niemelä said...

I fully support the campaign.

Jussi K. Niemelä
The Chairman of the Union of the Finnish Freethinkers

Anonymous said...

No state can be ruled by biased religious laws. There should be common state laws, secular in nature.

Mr Lakho's demand for a separation of religion and legislation is truly commendable, and I support it.

Joni Pelkonen

Anonymous said...

Fully supported Sir! Here is a good article from todays Dawn news paper.

Its such courage we are lacking.

Unknown said...

sir, i think every single person should say no to state religion because state dont need religion,religion belongs to personal acceptance and choice excercise forcefully so, amendment is very much important for our Jinnah,s dream about this state as a welfare state and very liberal one.
You have our support sir we are group of activists can walk with you any time

Unknown said...

I guarantee my support for such a worthy initiative...

Unknown said...

what the hell,in that way there is no place for nonmuslims in this jinnah,s liberal state??? and open voilation of human rights

what a message to the world in our constitution ,really a poisen suck this poisen out with force from constitution and let jinnah,s dream come true if its possible

we are with you sir

Unknown said...

this idea is sick

Kamil said...

I support this completely and am glad to see other Pakistanis who do as well.

To quote our very own Quaid: "You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place or worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State."

Let us all work towards a Pakistan where the state has NO right to persecute anyone for the religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc.

Omar Ibrahim said...

I support the Amendment. Let us be free!

Pakistan Zindabad!

Omar Ibrahim

Omar Ibrahim said...

I support the statement.

Anonymous said...

i fully support the cause. the religion is a private choice and should remain so. state should take care of all its citizens, regardless of their religious choice.

Ilena M.

p.s. good luck with ur struggle! :D

Ahmed Khan Yousafzai said...

I agree with you Sir. Religion in politics has only served to impede Pakistan's progress, deepen her divisions and made it easier for Foreign forces to back stab!
We support the amendment in the article 2.

Salman Javaid said...

I read this article way back and I do agree with you. Religion has been the nemesis of Pakistan.

orphia_nay said...

I fully support this campaign.
Much respect to you, G.M. Lakho.

esaakhi said...

fully support the amendment in article 2 of constitution

Shakti Bose said...

Dear Mr. Lakho,

I learned recently of your campaign to make Pakistan a secular state. Please accept my warmest admiration for your very crucial work. I wish our two countries, India and Pakistan, could be one as before. Having someone like you as an Indian citizen would make our country proud.



Shakti Bose said...

Dear Mr. Lakho,

I learned recently of your campaign to make Pakistan a secular state. Please accept my warmest admiration for your very crucial work. I wish our two countries, India and Pakistan, could be one as before. Having someone like you as an Indian citizen would make our country proud.



Isac said...

Mr. Lakho you need to get ur act right! By declaring Pakistan a "secular" state you are here by questioning as to why it even exists, not that you are even going against Quaid-e-azam's vision and Allama Iqbal's as well!

And if you think "secularism" is the only way forward than you must do some research on Islam and find out how much freedom it gives to not only Muslims but to non-muslims as well living in a state!

I would request you to concentrate on much larger issues in Pakistan like the "NRO"!

Anonymous said...

Impressive campaign! I just wrote a post on my blog trying to explain why religion and state should be separate (in light of Jinnah's vision and reasons for the creation of Pakistan). Check it out.

Hameed Channa said...

I am fully support to your compaign it is realy a timly compaign as we advise to Parliment and government to change immage of Pakistan as a Human Friendly and Secular State.

I am also Support to amendment in Articale 2 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973.

Hameed Channa said...

I am fully support to your compaign it is very necessary amendment and we are also demond to Parliament to change the image of Pakistan as a Secular State .

Miriirim said...

I request u to get a life! Even if Pakistan's constitution does change, what difference is it going to make???

There are much larger issues in Pakistan, why the hell don;t you mention them and work towards them. Someone rightly said "even though Ch.Iftikhar has been reinstated nothing really is going to happen". What are ur views on the NRO??

Unknown said...

I support GM LAKHO and this campaign.

tash said...

i agree completely and supprt this cause Natasha Letham

Agni said...

I completely agree. Only religion for state should be humanity, peace, justice, equality and brotherhood. All other technical details of cult-based religion be left at individual discretion. This concept of religion spurs tensions, discord and troubles.

Eric Michael Johnson said...

I fully support this campaign.

Aditya Mishra said...

I support this petition.
Jinnah did not support any religion.

Noor Akbar Gohar said...

I agree with mr.lakho shb's campaign of saying no to state religion and recommend amendment in the article 2 of the constitution of pakistan,1973. Because of the clause of the constitution so far many a poople from minority section of the society have been killed by the fanatics on false accusations.

Anonymous said...

I support this petition.

Swamiji said...

Although I am a Global Citizen and not a resident of the State of Pakistan but still I see the approach of Zanab Ghulam Mustafa Lakho Sahab regarding abolition of a State Religion Article from the Constitution of a Country like Pakistan is logical, rational, human, humane and in a clear accordance with the Declaration of Human Rights Law of the UNO. I/We, all Global Citizens appreciate this Noble proposal and Stand of Zanab Lakho.

Anonymous said...

yes ur right for this first we have to change the ppl s mind ........ ppl who think saying no to state religion or doing something against religion would be big sin ........ and they willl be punsihed ..... if they will support such act ....... well i appreciate your efforts ........hope one day we and our country willl be free from this orothodox extrimism

Polina said...

Thank you for posting this. I fully support this campaign.

Euleta Usrey said...

For the protection of all citizens, religion and government must be be totally separate in all countries.

Anonymous said...


I fully Support to correct the constitution of Pakistan in the Light of the wise , word of the Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-azam M.A Jinnah that Religion has nothing to do with the Bussiness of State.
Let us say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.


Unknown said...

allowence for the bugger clergy of islam to be the state religion is the real cause of Pakistan hell bount nemesis .
Islam will gear fast to drage it into the stone age and retard what ever it has achieved in the past as inheretance from the past pro secular paradygms .
I strongly support Mr.GM lakho drive campaign against the state religion .
I vote for secular Pakistan .
in solidarity .


Unknown said...

As a supported of state-religions separation, I say NO to the State Religion of Pakistan.
Luis E. Reinoso

Anonymous said...

Mir Salim Raza September 22 at 3:18am
Dear Mr. Lakho, I am a strong opponent of the State Religion of Pakistan, the reality is that Pakistan as a state is a great blunder and a fraud on the name of Islam.
The real rulers of this country ( Army Plus ISI ) will never learn, they killed 3 million Bangalies, hundreds of thousand of Balouchies, Sindhies and Pashtoons but they are not ready to learn that this state is a cheat. Cheat of oppressed nations ( Sindhi, Balouchi and Pashtoons) So let us solve the real problem, that is that we must demand for a New dialouge, between the nations, if and whether they want to live together or not, and what political system they want to agree with. \kind Regards

Anonymous said...

Mir Salim Raza September 22 at 3:18am
Dear Lakho Saeen, I am a strong opponent of the State Religion of Pakistan, the reality is that Pakistan as a state is a great blunder and a fraud on the name of Islam.
The real rulers of this country ( Army Plus ISI ) will never learn, they killed 3 million Bangalies, hundreds of thousand of Balouchies, Sindhies and Pashtoons but they are not ready to learn that this state is a cheat. Cheat of oppressed nations ( Sindhi, Balouchi and Pashtoons) So let us solve the real problem, that is that we must demand for a New dialouge, between the nations, if and whether they want to live together or not, and what political system they want to agree with.

Anonymous said...

Mir Salim Raza September 22 at 3:18am
Dear Lakho Saeen, I am a strong opponent of the State Religion of Pakistan, the reality is that Pakistan as a state is a great blunder and a fraud on the name of Islam.
The real rulers of this country ( Army Plus ISI ) will never learn, they killed 3 million Bangalies, hundreds of thousand of Balouchies, Sindhies and Pashtoons but they are not ready to learn that this state is a cheat. Cheat of oppressed nations ( Sindhi, Balouchi and Pashtoons) So let us solve the real problem, that is that we must demand for a New dialouge, between the nations, if and whether they want to live together or not, and what political system they want to agree with.

Anonymous said...

Mir Salim Raza September 22 at 3:18am
Dear Lakho Saeen, I am a strong opponent of the State Religion of Pakistan, the reality is that Pakistan as a state is a great blunder and a fraud on the name of Islam.
The real rulers of this country ( Army Plus ISI ) will never learn, they killed 3 million Bangalies, hundreds of thousand of Balouchies, Sindhies and Pashtoons but they are not ready to learn that this state is a cheat. Cheat of oppressed nations ( Sindhi, Balouchi and Pashtoons) So let us solve the real problem, that is that we must demand for a New dialouge, between the nations, if and whether they want to live together or not, and what political system they want to agree with.

Beena Sarwar said...

Thank you for this bold initiative. I and many others fully support it.
beena sarwar

Anonymous said...

I fully support that Religion has nothing to do with state therefore amendment in Article 2 of the constitution of Pakistan,1973 should be brought about.
By bringing the amendment the legislators will finally make the soule of Qaid-Azam at peace as he himself has mentioned while addressing the constituent Assembly of Pakistan on August 11'1947 that religion has nothing to do with the State as both are separate aintities.
let us follow Mr.Jinnah with honesty and faith as most of the believes in.
Zahoor Khan Afghan.

Aleem Brohi said...

Sir Lahko Sahab and supporters,
Word of mouth is good but we need to stand-up and ask 'how can I help'...It would help to organise and further this couragious action...

Unknown said...

Time to get up and show some activism we are with you can protest from our regions

William Parker said...

State Religion corrupts both the State and Religion. It is my belief that societies prosper greater when they are kept separate. This is my hope for all the people of the world and I fully support this campaign for the people of Pakistan.

William Parker
United States

Apollonius The Tyaneus said...

I have carefully read the articles
posted on Honorable Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Lakho's blog. I fully support your fair cause Sir. As a European citizen myself, I would like to add that in European Union legislation, what you state is already true. Same laws should apply for our friendly nation of Pakistan as well. I fully support
freedom of religion, freedom of expression, of thought,of research,
equal rights to women and equal opportunity to independent education for everyone.
I am honored by your friendship Sir. I will immediately create a link of your interesting blog into my pages so that the hundrends of my friends would have an opportunity to read it.
Best Regards,
Apollonius The Tyaneus

Anonymous said...

I fully support this campaign.

Awais Masood

Akbar Lakho said...

I support the Campaign.
I say no to the State Religion of Pakistan.

Unknown said...

I agree with your main assertion. However, I do not really understand some of the reasoning you have used, especially the part about animals and humans.

In any case, this is a good initiative; you have my vote.

Yasser Mumtaz

Unknown said...

I say NO to the State religion. Religion has nothing to do with the state affairs.
We have a clear concept that the State should be for the People and even clearer concept for who the People are! They are 98% of the total Population, the peasants and poor the workers. If the State is not for the 98% polpulation of Pakistan, we resist this conccept. Only one concept is acceptable for us
"State for the People"
Long Live, Poeple's Democratic Revolution!

promithius said...

State has nothing to do with the peoples religions,

Anthony said...

Religion and politics must now be one. How can any politician truly represent all constituents while pushing their religious beliefs, even on those who do not agree with them. Fact is THEY CAN NOT!

Anonymous said...

i glad to know tht these fools they are agree to hand over their future to fools(politicians of pakistan)
rather to creator

inshallah u will fail inshallah

ab rathore said...

i am advocat of secular state so i dont want any way any state religion of pak.i have already did random servy againist it and we congrate to lakho sb/ ab

Anonymous said...

As a Sunni Muslim, I support this petition. Too many absurd things are being done in the name of Islam by the State of Pakistan creating total chaos. No specific system of state governance is mandatory in Islam. A democratic system has proven itself to provide more safeguards and rights to all it's religious (and irreligious) citizens than one that establishes the tyranny of one view of Islam. Muslims should realise that power emanates from righteous acts in our daily lives and not from intolerance towards others and the pursuit of power for its own sake.


Hello freind in the struggle,

I hope this note comes with a suprise,am very thrilled with your work,from here in Uganda Africa,we wish you a great trek in search for freedom


Pakistan must embrace rationality and secular way of Government.Pakistan must accept change or change will change Pakistan

The struggle continues....
with love from Africa

Sukla Sen said...

Commendable campaign.

Sukla Sen said...

Commendable campaign.

Sukla Sen

Unknown said...

Thanks , Mustafa sb . Yes in my view state should not have its religion i think its against human rights , as you know even in christian sates muslims always face difficulties to act upon their religion activities , One's have right to live with own believes but should not compel to other's to do so .
Thanks again and hope we will in touch and discuss on different topics i always want to gain some thing but never impressed . Have a nice time
Attique Abbas

The Recovering Christian said...

Dear Ghulam,

Thanks for posting this most important campaign in Pakistan.

No State, however small, or however large, should go down the most tenuous, and tortuous road of legislating religion in any form.

I fully support this campaign to keep religion out of any public policy in Pakistan.

Let's stop this kind of nonsense and move on to more pressing matters such as how to feed every man, woman, and child on the planet and provide adequate healthcare to all of Earth's citizens.

Thank you, and most sincerely,

Unknown said...

Good stuff, you have my backing.

Benjamin Phillips said...

Your campaign has my full support!!

“The problem is not with people or churches that are politically active. It is with a party that has gone so far in adopting a sectarian agenda that it has become the political extension of a religious movement.” -- John C. Danfort

menkaur said...

sure. any time

ibbi said...

About time!!
Pakistan was never intended to be an islamic republic!

Anonymous said...

I fully support you in this! You are a wise man and I hope more people will notify this and support it! //Irane Irani

Benjamin Andrew Addison Singleton said...

I fully support this, you are correct and justified in your views.

After all state and religion should be kept seperate, especially as there isn't actually god/ goddess/ (s).

Ben Singleton

Anonymous said...

I am Arslan Shaukat. A medical scientist, writer and activist.
I am an atheist and an anti-theist.

I truly and fully support Mr Lakho's effort. I believe that state and religion are two seprate entities and must not be mixed at all.

A country starts to become a hodgepodge of opposing forces when the reationship of state and religion is not clearly demarcated. As we are witnessing right now in pakistan.

The relationship between state and religion is simple: There is no relationship.

Under the name of state religion, any kind of brutality and atrocity can be levelled against the minorities.

Blasphemy laws are just one example.

Also one has to take into account that pakistan is ethnically and religiously very diverse; so many variations of islam which is one true? which variation of islam should be the state Islam.

I fully endorse Mr Lakho's effort.

Arslan shaukat
Free thinker

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. State and religion are two completely different entities and never should be mixed. A government shouldn't show proclivity towards any religion. Sadly we are living in a part of intolerant world, where freedom of speech is fairly tale lie.If we speak against religion or god, people throw stones at us. Its take lot of guts to raise your voice against state religion, when you are surrounded by fanatics and religious fundamentalists. Keep up the good work. I wish you all the best.

Silver Persinger said...

I support the proposed amendment to guarantee individuals' right to practice their religion and to have a government without an officially recognized religion.

Religious toleration and freedom of thought are humane values we ought to promote.

It is up to you, People of Pakistan.

Insia said...

Keep up the good work!

Mateen Majid said...

Dear Lakho Sahib,

I'm a big fan of your initiative, and really support it. Its exactly the kind of initiative that we need in our country. Its good to see that people like you are bringing this up.

so that people like me, have someone inside the country to associate to and work for. thanks indeed..

Best Regards

Mateen Majid

Anonymous said...

I am in complete agreement that there should be no state religion of Pakistan.

Unknown said...

Dear GM Lakho,

I am fully agree and support this campaign.. Jimmy B

Unknown said...

I am fully agree and support this campaign.. Jimmy B

gfdhfdhfg said...

This is very brave step toward liberation of minds and humanity. I completely support this.

Romi Camus

Anonymous said...

i came from the country with the same probleme with your country,
this trash religion would be the biggest probleme in my country too..
but we just find a same trouble to solving that...
the majority has believed this trash, and said if that is "the way of life".
if u disturb them to and want to change their way, your blood is free to them...

so i'am very supported u Lakho, and i wanna to be your friend with this honour....

Bima hariandi.....

restu tukang gali kuburan Tuhan said...

I support the campaign completely.

Gun HS said...

Religion is privacy for individual. State is responsible for a variety of public authorities, and there's no exception for majority and minority. Religion should not be mixed with state policy.
The facts are clear, state religion potentially discriminate and abridging the freedom of speech.

From Indonesia, I fully support for this campaign.
Gun HS

Anonymous said...

I agree with your opinion of Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Lakho, that any institution, including the state no such thing as embracing a religious duty, because it will lead to discrimination.

Religion of the majority will only be a mere political tool, if not eliminate, because the real religion is not only the individual matters involving the state, or institutions.

I will always support you,
Ary Minda Nietzsche

Anonymous said...

I agree with your opinion of Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Lakho, that any institution, including the state no such thing as embracing a religious duty, because it will lead to discrimination.

Religion of the majority will only be a mere political tool, if not eliminate, because the real religion is not only the individual matters involving the state, or institutions.

I will always support you,
Ary Minda Nietzsche

Anonymous said...

No state has the right to infringe on the rights of an individual or a group of citizens, the freedom to exercise their choice of religion, education, or the right of movement or the right NOT to participate in any policies thereof.

I surport this campaign for a Free Pakistan!

sam.shropshire said...

Imposing state church or religion in any country represses religious minorities. Religious freedom is a right guaranteed to all world citizens by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Religious freedom is the cornerstone of any real democracy.

Unknown said...

I fully support this campaign and also agree on the very important fact that there should be no state religion of Pakistan.

Kieran McAdams said...

I support your admirable campaign!

A Hassan said...

Well done Lakho Sahib for this brave effort and all right minded people of Pakistan or shall I say the world would back this. Religion must have no role in politics if Pakistan is ever to become a modern, democratic state

Anonymous said...

the problem with majority of most of such "State religions" is that they turn up into nightmare on long run..

anyone that disagree with political definition of religion, is a designated infidel.. and thus has to suffer under the laws, that were supposed to help the peoples..

it is also the biggest problem as many of those try to define "True islam", ignoring the fact that relationship with god is personal matter, and every person his own truth inside...

Anonymous said...

Yes, I support the separation of church and state and I will NOT support any one particular state religion.


Anonymous said...

I support you!

الله أَكْب

Bradley C. Roberson said...

Self determination is not possible in a world ruled by dogma. These values should hold true for all humans alive regardless of where they find themselves. I support the campaign for ammendment in article 2 of the constitution of Pakistan, 1973.

Unknown said...

This is such a tragedy! I will sign whatever petitions, and post this link periodically. Im so sorry that there is such injustice for pakistan!

Maria said...

I fully support GM Lakgo's campaign for a free Pakistan. I

leland61 said...

I oppose any state religion in any country of the world. It can only lead to misery, murder and mayhem - and the evidence is all around us today.

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